
About the EHS

The Edmonton Horticultural Society (EHS) is a volunteer-run, non-profit society where Edmonton gardeners of all skill levels and interests can learn, share and grow. Our activities support our members’ needs, interests and gardening enjoyment and contribute to the beauty of our communities.

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EHS Vision superimposed on lady's mantle
EHS Mission, superimposed on a photo of pine needles
EHS Values, superimposed on a photo of valiant grapes
Front Yards In Bloom sign

Front Yards in Bloom

Gas plants in the Muttart Conservatory grounds

The Muttart Gardens

EHS gardens at the zoo

The Zoo Gardens

The EHS in the Community

Working in the community is a long-standing EHS tradition. Our partnerships with the City of Edmonton enhance public spaces, support local horticulture, and educate and encourage gardeners.

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Learn, Grow, and Give Back to the Community With EHS!

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From the Garden Guide

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