Volunteer to put on Workshops

EHS members love learning! This position is an opportunity to get to know the local experts and provide EHS members with hands-on workshops on aspects of gardening like flower arranging, judging gardens, spring and fall garden preparation, and anything else you can think of. This can be done by a single person or a team.

Duties include:

  • planning topics and finding workshop leaders (from among local experts and EHS members)
  • Provide information to the Webmaster, ENews, and Newsletter so it can be posted. Also, information for the EHS store and PayPal if tickets are to be sold.
  • advertise and enroll members
  • attend workshops to make sure they run smoothly

Other Help Required:

  • Volunteer for the team.
  • Submit suggestions! Got a great idea for a workshop? Use the Contact us form, using the General subject.

For more information or to volunteer, please use the Contact us form and select Volunteer from the drop-down subject list.