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EcoVision : A story of Student’s Environmental Dreams Becoming a Reality

EcoVision is a student-run club that Steve Schultz advises. Its goal is to build ecological leaders through projects that enhance student’s education, help the environment and encourage community collaboration. The student-led projects include a 6.0 kW solar array, the first of its kind in Canada near net-zero tropical geodesic greenhouse, a two acre food forest with 200 fruit trees and 50 raised vegetable beds, a bee apiary with 8 beehives, a goat barn with a living roof & solar array, the Educational Pollinator Indigenous Carbon Capture Garden (EPICC for short) and numerous other environmental projects. All of these projects have been incorporated into the school’s curriculum that Steven Schultz has developed. Because of these projects and their corresponding curriculums, LCHS EcoVision club has won numerous awards such as the Emerald Award, Ron Shulack Award, Greenest School in Canada and five BP A+ for Energy Grants. More information about the club can be found at www.lchsecovision.weebly.com.

Steve Schultz is married to Kathy Schultz and has three amazing children who are in university. Steve has been teaching high school science, electronics, and most recently agriculture at Lacombe Composite High School since 1996. His extracurricular opportunities involve mentoring young soccer referees, coaching a robotics club, and advising  EcoVision.

Please feel free to contact him at steven.schultz@wolfcreek.ab.ca

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