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Gardening on Marginal Soil: A pre-retirement project

What does a semi-retired soil scientist do with his spare time? He gardens, of course! We are excited to welcome Ivan Whitson as he shares his methods for creating a new vegetable garden from poor soil and gets creative with adding nutrients using free resources he has on hand.

Free to members. Non-members $10 at the door. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/591996225647

Doors open at 6:45, speaker at 7:30.

About Ivan

Ivan Whitson is a soil scientist with 40+ years of education and experience. His doctoral work
involved phosphorus and forest soils. His work has included soil survey and mapping around the Prairie Provinces and contributing to environmental assessments of large industrial projects. He operates professionally as I Whitson Innovations Inc. His hobbies include playing baseball, cutting firewood, snowshoeing, picking berries, making pies and pickles, and writing scientific papers.

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