Volunteer for Open Gardens

This is another great and popular EHS member benefit! Open Gardens are active from May through September.

There are TWO ways to participate here

The Open Gardens Program Lead (or team) Duties include:

  • Recruiting and scheduling gardens for visits on some Sundays in June, July, August and sometimes September
  • Collecting addresses and descriptions of each garden for use in advertising
  • Advertising to members in the newsletter, E-News and members’ only page of the Web site
  • Bringing signs to the garden
  • Arranging for photos of the gardens for annual reports and the Gardener’s Gate.
  • Thanking gardeners

Volunteer your garden!

Each year we aim to include a broad cross-section of gardens from the greater Edmonton area in our “Open Garden” Sundays from spring to fall. It’s more relaxed and less busy than being on the Garden Tour. Perfection not required! Opening your garden is a great way to meet other gardeners and chat about gardening. Consider opening your garden to EHS members one Sunday this year.

For more information or to volunteer, please use the Contact us form and select Volunteer from the drop-down subject list.