Volunteer with the City Gardeners

The City Gardeners are two teams of dedicated EHS volunteers who maintain perennial display beds on the grounds of the Muttart Conservatory and enrichment gardens for the animals at the Valley Zoo. This is great for experienced gardeners willing to give some time to public gardening or new gardeners who want to learn from the best (not that we’re biased!). It’s easy for two people to share the team lead positions. Most active time: April through October.

The Team Lead’s duties include:

  • Responsibility for either the EHS perennial beds on the grounds of the Muttart Conservatory as part of the EHS commitment to Partners in Parks with the City of Edmonton OR the Enrichment Gardens at the Valley Zoo.
  • Recruiting, supervising and directing the activities of volunteer gardeners
  • Arranging for plant material to augment or replace plants as needed
  • Planning planting and maintenance schedules

Other volunteer roles:

Gardeners are needed to enjoy Edmonton’s beautiful River Valley at the Muttart or the Zoo, while they plant, weed, and chat with fellow gardeners. How hard is that? Some supplies (like bags for weeds and trimmings) are provided but volunteers generally bring their own tools. Most work is done during the day.

For more information or to volunteer, please use the Contact us form and select Volunteer from the drop-down subject list.

Muttart Garden Volunteers

Zoo Garden volunteers